Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Those Poor Home Schooled Kids Missed Out on This:

Is this part of the "socialization" that home school detractors want kids to experience?

Here's how a 24 year old knucklehead decided to celebrate Black History Month at an elementary school:

Mom Strips During School Assembly

Published: Feb. 17, 2013 at 3:04 PM

ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 17 (UPI) -- A central New York woman hopped on the stage during a school assembly and began stripping, police said.

...Meaders removed her coat and top, stripping nude down to her waist in front of about 200 students who were on hand, police said.

School personnel rushed the stage and ushered her to a place where the students couldn't see her, Lesko said.

Police were called and Meaders was charged with seven counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count of public lewdness.

Read more:

What's even sadder is that she thought people wanted to see her undressed. The only thing I want to know is:

What was she high on? Or did she have an extra bowl of Stupid for breakfast that morning?

Here's just one more reason why many people don't want their kids in a public school. 

Thursday, February 07, 2013

The "Free Mumia" Movement Defies Simple Logic

I'm not not going to go into all the details about convicted murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal. If you aren't familiar with this famous case, read about it here:

This guy spawned a 3 decade movement based on his supposed innocence. There's now a movie out that tries to sympathize with this movement, just to keep the minions in a lather.

The only reason I'm even talking about this is because you have to put your brain on hold to think Mumia Abu-Jamal is innocent.

Let's review the facts:

A Policeman was shot to death.

The murder weapon was right at the scene.

Ballistics examinations matched bullet fragments in the body to the murder weapon.

The murder weapon was registered to Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Abu-Jamal was wearing a shoulder holster.

The cop fired off a shot in self-defense. That shot hit Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Defenders of Mumia Abu-Jamal claim someone else shot the policeman with Mumia's gun and ran away. This belief is bolstered by the fact that forensic examiners didn't try to get any fingerprints off the murder weapon because they believed the prints would have been contaminated.

Nonetheless, you need to suspend common logic if think Abu-Jamal didn't do it.

If Mumia Abu-Jamal didn't shoot that cop, who grabbed his gun and fired it? You'd think that if a guy got close enough to grab your pistol from a shoulder holster, you wouldn't have any trouble identifying the thug.


The fact that Mumia Abu-Jamal tried to defend himself in court and turned that trial into a circus only cements in my mind that he is guilty, and he isn't man enough to admit it, apologize for it, and take his lumps.

Daniel Faulkner was just a lower middle class guy who served his country in the Army, and his city as a policeman.

Daniel Faulkner didn't need to die. He was just doing his job. An angry activist killed him over a simple traffic violation. That is nothing but pure selfishness, not to mention extreme stupidity.

The sad fact is, Mumia Abu-Jamal got better than he deserves. He should be thankful that his death sentence was overturned on a mere technicality. The rest of the case is evident to anybody with a fully functioning brain.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a killer who never apologized for his crime. His celebrity status is undeserved, and the people who maintain his innocence are in denial of irrefutable facts and simple logic. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see through the silliness of the "Free Mumia" movement.

May Mr. Abu-Jamal enjoy his time at the Grey Bar Hilton.

'Nuff said.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Why Ron Paul Is A LOSER

Dr. Ron Paul, ex United States Congressman and superhero to Paulestinians everywhere, ran 2 horrendous Presidential campaigns in the last several years. His polling numbers were dismal, yet his drooling groupies insist that the "system" is rigged to keep independents like Dr. Paul from winning a Presidential campaign.

The only thing more pathetic than this whining came from Dr. Paul himself, on Twitter:

“Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.”

Chris Kyle was a decorated Navy Seal who wrote the book "American Sniper". Kyle was killed on Saturday at a shooting range by Eddie Ray Routh, a fellow veteran reportedly suffering from PTSD. Chris Kyle had been counseling him and trying to help him deal with his emotional trauma.

Read more:

What was Ron Paul thinking, or was he thinking, when he tweeted this crap? Kicking a dead man to make some stupid political point justifies why nobody with more than half a brain would ever vote for Ron Paul. He was a mediocre Congressman and would have been an awful President.

Fortunately for us, Ron Paul experienced a rare moment of clarity, and decided to not to run for Congress again when he ran his awful 2012 presidential campaign. Even more more pathetic was his sore loser attitude in not endorsing Mitt Romney, but instead, endorsing Green Party and Libertarian candidates, even though Dr. Paul was a Republican.

And now, Dr. Paul has once again lowered the bar even further in bashing Chris Kyle.

What makes Dr. Paul's tweet more puke-inducing is that Ron Paul served his country as an Air Force flight surgeon.

What happened to respecting your brothers-in-arms, Dr. Short Term Memory?

Already, on the Ron Paul website, his disciples are claiming, "Oh, no, this can't be true!" and preparing the tired old "someone hacked the Twitter account" alibi. Deal with it, babies. Ron Paul said it, and he has made no public statement of denial. Ron Paul is an angry old man, now marginalized even further by his stupid tweet.

The Paulestinians will stay true to their little god 'til the end, though, as evidenced by the "Ron Paul 2016" link on the Ron Paul website. Who would be stupid enough to donate even ten cents to this ungrateful old buzzard? I guess he wants to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "World's Dumbest Presidential Candidate".

With idiotic tweets like the one he posted about Chris Kyle, Guinness gets my thumbs up.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Miley Cyrus Crosses the Decency Barrier


Another "Disney kid" has walked away from Walt Disney's advice about maintaining some sense of class and modesty.

Just check out the new cover page of Cosmopolitan Magazine, and you'll see Miley Cyrus, daughter of country singer Billy Ray, and former star of the Disney show "Hannah Montana", dressed (and I use that term loosely) and posing with all the charm and class of a prostitute.

A lot of kids grew up singing Hannah Montana songs, buying her CD's and seeing her movies.

Look at their former role model now.

Would you want YOUR kid featured on a magazine cover looking like her? I'm not going to dignify this tomfoolery by posting a link. Google it for yourself.

It's disappointing.

Go ahead, call me a prude, but all I see here is another celebrity ego on overdrive, who will be looking forward to the drug problems, failed marriages, and fatherless children that seem to be trademarks of Hollywood.

The late Helen Gurley Brown, founder of Cosmopolitan, was considered a progressive feminist. I wonder if she truly intended for her magazine to showcase women as ditzy, scantily-clad boy toys.

Wasn't this the kind of sterotype Ms. Brown tried to destroy?

Boy, how time does change things, and all for the sake of the Almighty Dollar.

'Nuff said.

Friday, January 25, 2013

If You Liberals Want To Seize All The Assault Weapons....

...perhaps you could start by hunting down all the guns you lost track of in Mexico.

"Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What We'll Never Hear From Hillary Clinton

"I failed to react in a proper manner and demand immediate military aid to our Benghazi Mission Compound, which was undoubtedly under attack.

Unfortunately, it is clear I am not competent  to hold the position President Obama so graciously appointed me to, and therefore, I tender my resignation immediately."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

President Obama Appeases the Pro Gun Crowd

My fellow Americans,

Contrary to what gun owners say about me, I am not against private gun ownership.

To aid all Americans in participating in their 2nd Amendment rights, I propose a new program.

Anybody who wishes to own a firearm will be given a musket, paid for by your government. Instructions for its proper use will be provided.

Government approved black powder will be available for 100 dollars an ounce.

Traditional lead musket balls are environmentally unsafe. Musket balls of a government approved material will be available for 10 dollars apiece.

All proceeds from the sale of black powder and musket balls will be used for gang violence abatement and birth control education programs.

I believe now that my administration has come up with a compromise on gun ownership that is satisfactory in meeting the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

--President Barack Obama